Let’s talk.
Be reminded, Human. That you are finite. That you remain only for a thin slice on a massive timeline. So let’s use this slice of existence to pierce through the veil of mediocrity.
Forbid the mindset of insignificance, of insufficiency.
I want to scream at the top of my lungs to HALT THE REPETITION.
Of the same hollow words. Of the same wheels of life churning to the sounds of our hearts beating.
YOU are more exquisite than any work of art at any museum.
YOU are more unfathomable than any equation.
YOU are more remarkable than any architectural phenomenon.
It’s simply fact. Take a look at your body alone. There are more than 100 BILLION nerves within your structure that make you function daily. What? Yeah, that’s right. You are reading this right now because all of the pathways in your mind working together to allow you to see.
So is this what makes us Human? Our physical body?
Is it the breath in our lungs?
Is it the skin on our bones?
It is the blood pulsing through our veins?
What separates any other live being from humanity?
Our joys?
Our depravities?
Let’s break it down, shall we?
More than 7.5 BILLION lives are simultaneously experienced on this Earth.
Thoughts ensnare our minds.
We are within and we are without.
Without pain, there is no mercy.
Without friction, there is no triumph.
What a tangled web we all weave.
One in many. One of many. One because of many.
So what are we? Are we here just to be a passerby?
To experience a moment in time with one another and be blown out like a match in the wind?
I think not.
So here is my challenge for you and I, Human:
Let’s notice each other.
Let’s hold the door for one another as we walk into a store.
Let’s run to give someone a hat that fell off their head as they drove past.
Let’s take a moment to look around and realize the thoughts that must swirl around like a washing machine in each other’s minds.
Let’s drive to the side of the road when an ambulance cries through.
Let’s smile as we walk by, or at least look at each other.
Let’s remember that each life is as complex and wonderful and insane and worrisome and intricate as our own.
Let’s just simply notice.
What a gift it is to be human.
To have breath in our lungs.
To have skin on our bones.
To have blood pulsing through our veins.
To have joys. To have depravities.
Live intentionally, Human. Live genuinely, Human.
Be reminded, Human. That you are finite. That you remain only for a thin slice on a massive timeline. So let’s use this slice of existence to pierce through the veil of mediocrity.